HAPPY 2021
may all your fishes come true
2021 is Upon Us, seeing in A Brand New Year Cheers
Like to take this moment to wish all readers a wonderful fishtastic 2021 can only be a better year ahead than the one we have experienced. Be back later in the new year. Wishing you all good health, happiness.
above all as always "Tight Lines, may your next bite be a big one or anyone big or small" ❤️
At this time of year would normally be found on bank hoping for a bend in the rod, relaxing staring at the stars, looking across the water, in peace and harmony, in total relaxation, deep meditation, waiting expectedly for a fish to have the bait, taking in the sights, smells, sounds, in the City of London.
or be it in the countryside equally at peace of mind be it Urban City Angling, or Wild Country, staying awake all night long till the first light watching the sun rise, waiting patently for float to dip under the water.
Yet stuck indoors can only dream a fishing adventure this New Year's Eve, cancelled until next year. Not advised to travel not essential. Just the way it is I'm afraid, has been for a good chunk of this year, resulting in far fewer angling sessions in 2020.
Seeing in this New Year is different don't have wheels for a start since car broke down, having resorted to walking, using a push bike, or public transport.
Difficult best of times let alone this year with Covid 19, has been a Testing Time, 2020 ultimately can only describe one of the worst years of my life, if not the very worst. Same goes for everyone effected by events that have completely left the world in shock.
You couldn't have dreamed, pitching myself is this one crazy dream, been in a deep sleep, woken the other side from a coma.
Just doesn't seem like reality has actual hit home yet.
Not prepared to get on bike peddling in the freezing cold with a rucksack on back at this mad hour of the night.
what an odd time to live trying to manage living a normal life
Other Options are traveling on a Bus or Tube, not getting on them with the present Killer Covid 19 Virus !
What an awful year 2020 has been, had it's good moment's and happy memories, few and far between
Good Start Thanks Microsoft my Word has expired unable to use without paying prescription, great timing, lovely end of the year resorting to writing live...
Long gone are those times still smile remembering being out on the town, playing with a band live on stage at The Midnight Hour, entertaining a crowd of people till early hours of the morning singing, swinging, dancing, drinking having a good old merry time, can't beat a good old knees up Mother Brown getting on down.
day's now long since sadly missed gone by this past year, including lot's of fishing resorted to being stuck indoors on lockdown. Where does one start to begin describing the tragedy the world is having to endure in a Global Virus Pandemic ?
Times of misery where Families, Friends, have been deeply effected in shock, loved ones passing, those torn apart unable to see each other, loss of physical human contact, communication, interaction, leading to loneliness and isolation. Losing Sammy Boy certainly didn't help general state of mind.
Never thought feel it, use to own company spending hours away not seeing another person in days, happy to be on own. However there are extremes this is a case of leading people to being on their own for not just weeks, months on end. Even someone who likes their own company wouldn't be liking this one. Yikes !
Certainly put a stop to plans this year like the major majority, so don't really want to cry to much by getting the worlds smallest violin out, cause we have all had our fair share of this Shit ! Excuse the French could use a lot stronger word's. Fooked Up !!!
However going to share losing Dog, Dad, an old Friend been pretty much a head Fook Right! Real difficult one to deal with inside head... Time to put all aside, be thankful for small mercies
Miss You Dad and Sammy Boy Dearly, must remain ever positive focused, thankful still got a job, whilst many are losing theirs. Able to pay the bills just, keeping a roof over head, clothes, on back, enough to eat, reasonable health, clean running water, electric, heat, light, what more do need other than a day's fishing now and again to top system up.
Many others are suffering, losing Job's. Companies closing down, losing income, and home's. Let's not forget the sad end of Angler's Mail in publication for over 46 years coming to an end. Thoughts go out to everyone at The Anglers Mail Team, sadly losing their Job. So sad Father always had a copy of Angler's Mail, which read since a young boy.
ONWARDS & UPWARDS >>> Best Foot Forward, let's hope will not get any worse, hopefully end sooner than later
HAPPY 2021
may all your fishes come true