Another Week On The Wandle
'Another Week On The Wandle' will be the next blog coming once able to fish again. Spending far more time catching up where left off fishing in London. Catch A Fish From All 69 UK Cities is sadly off until travel restrictions are lifted and safe to do so. It was suggested when completed this blog call the next 'A Warmer Week On The Wandle. Will never forget just how cold it was, Storm Emma, also called Ulrike arrived, most of the country came to a standstill, spent more time travelling, freezing at bus stops and train stations, than actually fishing.
Fingers and Toes firmly crossed for a return to angling soon, been slowly improving blog and posts, this one say being more a pictorial rather than completing the storyline. Bye for now :)
Hello Folks,
It's with a heavy heart decided to put this page on hold until such time feel it's safe to be Fishing. Living in London one of the busiest Cities in The World, with more cases of this Virus than anywhere in the country, over a thousand deaths nationwide a day. The Angling Trust announced yesterday fishing will now be allowed only in the day time, classed as exercise. While would like to thank them, having followed guidelines since first lockdown, chosen not to fish. Suffering from underlining health conditions don't want to put my life, or that of others at risk. Do belong to a local Angling Club however they have made the decision to shut the fishery, as such any local areas are Urban, used for dog walking, running, cycling etc. Personally therefore feel it is unsafe to leave my home, unless vitally important, currently off work for the next 6 weeks.
Do hope that you stay around, be here on return. This page would have been nothing without you, those who have supported, and encouraged over the years on my mad missions 

Stay safe at home whenever possible, please look after yourselves. protect your Family, Friends loved ones. We will get through this, will Be back fishing in the future 
